Shame on you, WHO


This time last week, WHO published their latest (proposed) advice on alcohol consumption. In this draft action plan, they suggest appropriate steps should be taken to preventing alcohol consumption by women of reproductive age. This advice is not only sexist and paternalistic, it shows a huge disconnect and lack of understanding of women’s rights and their lives. Women are not baby making machines. Not all women want to bear children. Not all women can bear children (for reasons unrelated to their alcohol consumption). Furthermore, women should not be expected to live 40-50 years of their lives based on the possibility that one day, they might possibly want children.

As noted by Clare Murphy, Chief Executive of BPAS, there is NO current consensus regarding whether low to mid-level alcohol consumption during pregnancy is actually harmful. So to talk about pre-pregnancy, without even stopping to understand women’s own wishes and intentions, is frankly absurd. Meanwhile, this advice overlooks overlooks scientific evidence on the impact of alcohol on male fertility. Imagine a global body trying to suggest men should avoid drinking alcohol until their 50s when their past their peak parenthood years (some men have children in their 80s so perhaps men should be banned from drinking alcohol altogether?!)? It is unthinkable! Imagine the outrage! However, society is so accustomed to messaging about what women can and cannot do, should and should not do, this kind of messaging is seen as completely normal.

The veil has slipped – this is about nothing more than controlling women's bodies.  

For other interesting and insightful reading on this topic, I recommend Barbara Ellen's piece in The Guardian.